Air Force Aid Society
Military and Family Readiness Center 784-5440
Ambulance/Fire Dept/Security Forces (On-Base) 911
AMC Terminal 784-6883
American Red Cross 784-1855
Appointments (Hospital) 784-3627
Area Defense Counsel 784-6774
Auto Hobby Shop 784-4787
Base Exchange Main Store 784-4239/4293
Billeting 784-1844
Black Cat Lounge 784-5228
Bowling Center 784-4229
Burger King 784-9517
CE Customer Service 784-6226
Chapel 784-5000
Child Development Center  784-4966
Command Post 784-7000
Commissary 784-4403
Checkertails 784-5865/1581
Credit Union 784-3089
DODEA Elementary  784-5368
DODEA Middle High School 784-5326
Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate  010-9300-8753
Education Office 784-4220
Emergency 911
Enlisted Club 784-6900
Family Advocacy 784-5010/010-9300-8753
Family Services 784-5440
Family Support Center 784-5440
Fire Department 784-4835
Fitness Center 784-5568
Gingko Tree Dining Facility 784-6861
Golf Course 784-4128
Gymnasium 784-5568
Household Goods 784-6019
Housing Office 784-1840
Inspector General 784-5707
Information, Tours, Travel (ITT) 784-4254
Law Enforcement Desk  784-5515
Legal 784-4131
Library 784-6611
Medical Group 784-3627
Mental Health 784-2148
Military Equal Opportunity  784-4040
Military Pay 784-1851
MFLC 010-2599-2296
MPF Customer Service 784-1666
Mustang Center 784-3123
Officers Club 784-5530
Pacific House Dining Facility 784-8399
O-House (formerly Par & Char) 784-4926
Pass & ID 784-1853
Passenger Terminal 784-6883
Pet Lodge 784-4314
Popeye's 784-2448
Post Office 784-1014
Public Affairs 784-4044
Public Affairs Photo Studio 784-2218
Public Health 784-2515
Retirees Activities Office 784-1441
SARC (Sexual Assault Response Coordinator) 784-1036
SAPR 24-Hour Hotline 784-7272
Swimming Pool 784-4986
Taxi, Base 784-3283
Taxi Service 02-1544-9080
Taxi Complaints (Need time, date, location, taxi code or license plate number) 784-2258/4293
Theater 784-4200
TMO 784-6019
Towing Service (POV) 010-6231-0720
Turumi Lodge 784-1844
Veterinarian  784-6614
VOQ/VAQ 784-1844

Dialing Instructions

DSN numbers (783 or 784) require a 315 prefix (ex: 315-784-0000)
Using a Korean cell phone requires a 0505 prefix (ex: 0505-784-000)
Using a U.S. cell phone requires a 011-82-505 prefix (ex: 011-82-505-784-0000)

If a number is not listed on this webpage, call the Base Operator at 784-1110.