4-Day Visitor Control Pass
- Sponsor may request 4-day escorted visitor pass at the Morin Gate VCC or at the Main Gate
- NOTE: Morin Gate VCC hours of operation 0600-2200 and Main Gate hours of operation is 24-hours
- Visitor must provide two forms of ID (Korean Identification, Passport, Driver's License) in exchange for 4-day pass
- KID or DL are left at VCC for duration of visit
- Sponsor MUST escort visitor at all times
- Sponsor MUST return visitor pass at VCC before the 4 days are completed
- The same sponsor who registers a guest must also deregister the same guest
Escort Violations
- Not remaining with the guest at all times while on the installation
- Handing off a guest to another person
- Not escorting the guest before the expiration of the visitors pass
Personnel who violate the escort policy will have their escort privileges revoked for the minimum penalty period as follows:
- 1st Offense: 30 days revocation from escorting
- 2nd Offense: 180 days revocation from escorting
- 3rd Offense: permanent revocation from escorting until PCS or one year after offense has occurred
Designated Country List
For questions regarding members on the DCL, contact Installation Access at DSN 784-5194.