U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jordan Locke, 51st Security Forces Squadron defender, calls in a possible drone sighting during a training scenario

Pass & ID and Installation Access


Monday to Friday 0800-1600
Walk-ins: 0800-1000
*Thursdays are reserved for ROKAF Conscripts*

Appointments: 1200-1600

CLOSED 1100-1200 for lunch
CLOSED Holidays/Wing Down Days and Wing/MSG Training Days

Contact: 315-784-4489/5194

Use the below QR Code to schedule an appointment:

Long Term Unescorted Visitor Passes

  • Personnel visiting U.S. Forces Korea members may receive an UNESCORTED DBIDS card valid up to 90 days.
  • Sponsor completes USFK FM 81-E along with all required supporting documents to the Installation Access Office, via https://51sfs.github.io/
    • ​NOTE: USFK Form 81-E and complete supporting documentation for a long-term unescorted visitor pass must be submitted to Pass & ID (Bldg. 765) or via the above weblink 60 days in advance. Visit the appointment weblink to schedule an appointment for long term visitor pass pickup.
  • Required Documents: Copy of sponsor's CAC, applicant's passport
  • Short-term visitor pass requests will not be accepted from sponsors who reside in unaccompanied housing to sponsor guests who are residents of the Republic of Korea such as boyfriends, girlfriends, etc...
  • Sponsor completes 81-E form and submits to Installation Access
  • Installation Access conducts background check via DATAMAXX and Air Force Justice Information System for access determination
  • If your visitor arrives after Pass & ID duty-hours, they may be escorted utilizing the 4-day Escorted Visitor Control Pass procedures identified in the next section. The following duty date, the sponsor and visitor may schedule an appointment or arrive during walk-in hours to obtain Long Term Unescorted Visitor Pass.
    • NOTE: Sponsor may set up an appointment prior to visitor's arrival to ensure the most expedient processing time.

4-Day Visitor Control Pass

  • Sponsor may request 4-day escorted visitor pass at the Morin Gate VCC or at the Main Gate
    • NOTE: Morin Gate VCC hours of operation 0600-2200 and Main Gate hours of operation is 24-hours
  • Visitor must provide two forms of ID (Korean Identification, Passport, Driver's License) in exchange for 4-day pass
    • KID or DL are left at VCC for duration of visit
  • Sponsor MUST escort visitor at all times
  • Sponsor MUST return visitor pass at VCC before the 4 days are completed
  • The same sponsor who registers a guest must also deregister the same guest

Escort Violations

  • Not remaining with the guest at all times while on the installation
  • Handing off a guest to another person
  • Not escorting the guest before the expiration of the visitors pass

Personnel who violate the escort policy will have their escort privileges revoked for the minimum penalty period as follows:

  • 1st Offense: 30 days revocation from escorting
  • 2nd Offense: 180 days revocation from escorting
  • 3rd Offense: permanent revocation from escorting until PCS or one year after offense has occurred

Designated Country List

For questions regarding members on the DCL, contact Installation Access at DSN 784-5194.