Airman Spotlight: Staff Sgt. Charles Stewart

  • Published
  • By Staff Reports

51 FW/HC

Job title: NCOIC, Training Management

Job description and its impact on the overall mission: My job within the Chapel is to manage and assist in the life cycle training for all Chaplain Corps personnel, volunteers, and contractors in order to meet specialty, readiness, and professional development requirements. This is integral to Chapel mission accomplishment, in ensuring that we are exceeding the standards established by USAF Leadership.

Time in the military:
11 years

Time at Osan: 8 months

DEROS: April 2013

Family: Wife, Myeshia Stewart

Hometown: Springfield, IL

Hobbies: Serving within the Osan Gospel Service, volunteering with orphanages, traveling, fitness

Why did you join the military? Both to serve my country and obtain my educational goals at the same time

Where do you see yourself in 10 or 20 years? Serving as a Chaplain in the USAF

What do you do for fun here? Travel, movies, and hanging out with friends

What's your favorite Air Force memory or story? My experience in BIAP, Iraq, the Chapel ministry to the Airmen was amazing! It was truly a life changing transition point for me personally and professionally.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Being able to serve alongside the Chaplains and other great Chaplain Assistants taking care of the Airmen for the pastĀ eleven years globally.

Who are your role models? I have been blessed to serve God and country alongside some great Chaplains such as Bishop Geoffrey Vincent Dudley , who served in the military as a Chaplain; Chaplain Suh whose out of the box Godly vision to care for Korean Orphans through Operation Christmas Hope will impact their lives for a lifetime and CMSgt Roger Dubois, who I learned so much from in regards to leadership.