Airman's Roll Call highlights Veterans Day

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  • Air Force Print News
This week's Airman's Roll Call focuses on Veterans Day and recognizing American veterans -- past and present.

This year on Nov. 11, the nation pauses on Veterans Day to remember those who have given so much in the defense of American freedoms and ideals.

Amercians can reflect on the foresight, courage and sacrifices of past leaders and heroes and remember the courage and sacrifices of today's Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen, who are fighting for freedom and providing humanitarian relief at home and overseas.

It is also important to remember their families and loved ones who stand by their side and support them as they serve.

Airman's Roll Call is designed for supervisors at all levels to help keep Airmen informed on current issues, clear up confusion, dispel rumors and provide additional face-to-face communication.

Read this week's Airman's Roll Call.

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