Photo of Airmen, U.S. Air Force aircraft participate in an aircraft generation training event.


  • Sustaining the force: updating Osan’s electrical grid

    At 6 A.M, Oct. 11, 2022, most of Osan Air Base went dark starting the work day for the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Team (CEMIRT) and Airmen from the 51st Civil Engineer Squadron (CES).During the long weekend, the 51st CES seized the opportunity to schedule

  • Who ya gonna call? HVAC!

    With temperatures reaching record-breaking highs this summer, it’s no surprise that the number one thing on most minds is a cool place to rest and relax when work is done.Unfortunately, due to a variety of problems ranging from mechanical failures to aging equipment, that dream may not always be a

  • Trial by fire

    U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Philip Hudson, 51st Fighter Wing command chief, puts out a simulated aircraft fire during an immersion tour with the 51st Civil Engineer Squadron Fire and Emergency Services flight at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Aug. 3, 2018. Leadership received the opportunity

  • Exercise Beverly Herd 16-2 kicks off at Osan

    Exercise Beverly Herd 16-2, a quarterly exercise flexing Team Osan’s war-fighting muscles, kicked off Aug. 23.The base-wide exercise tests each unit’s ability to conduct their wartime mission successfully and be prepared to ‘fight tonight’.